Monday, April 13, 2009

A sight for sore eyes

I'm not sure I slept a wink from the time Rosie sent me the email that she was coming to see me, until the time that they left. Really. I was ecstatic! She wanted to help me "pass the time" while Brad was working so hard. It worked! We had the greatest time making hair bows, watching movies, eating chocolate cake, talking - you know, all those things that girls do. I was way too busy to remember to take pictures. Brad took these the night they got there, and I really think they are two of my very favorite pictures - not for quality, but for content :). I just rolled on the floor laughing when I saw this one of Claire trying out Michael's birthday present. Like father, like daughter...

The girls spent so much time snuggled into this couch. Claire kept trying to get Kate and Olivia to close their eyes :)

We tried to talk Jessica into coming with her two sweet little girls. It would have been a crazy time with 7 kids 3 and under, but it would have been just like a big 'ol slumber party. Here's hoping they'll do it again soon!!!
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