"But the Lord answered her, 'Martha, Martha, you are getting worried and upset about too many things. Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the right thing, and it will never be taken away from her.' " Luke 10:41-42, New International Children's Bible
I love reading out of different versions. It makes passages I've read over and over come to life in a whole new way. This was one of them for me. I was reading out loud to the girl's today, and their Bible was closest to me when I sat down, so I read them Luke 10, and the story of Mary and Martha jumped out at me in a way it never had before. I know I've probably read it a thousand times, and yes, I got the main jest of it, but today, I really saw myself.
I have had so much going on the last two weeks, and between sickness, taking care of kids, sick husband, laundry, house cleaning, sewing business, dishes, meals, etc, etc, etc, I had forgotten "the one thing that is important". When I read this passage today, this is what I heard, "Micah, Micah, you are getting worried and upset about too many things."
Today is a new day.
This is the day I will start fresh, and will not worry or be upset about all the things that I think have to be done.
This is the day I will put all my trust in the LORD.