This was day 1, operation no finger sucking:

And this was day 2:

Last Thursday Mom missed the last step down into the basement and fell, planting hard on her right foot, breaking her ankle in two different spots. Her surgery (which is tentatively scheduled for Wednesday) will require plates and pins, and about 6 weeks of bed rest/lying around. Please keep her in your prayers. As "minor" as this may seem in the grand scheme of things, it has certainly shaken our lives up a little bit. You can specifically pray that the swelling would go down enough that the doctor can actually perform the surgery on Wednesday (if it hasn't, he'll have to wait until Monday). Until the surgery is done, and the healing process has begun, her pain will not lessen at all.
Also last Thursday, my favorite husband turned 29. It wasn't the best day ever, considering the circumstances, but we did manage to eat some cake =). That's the most important part of a birthday, right?